Key Points about Sclerotherapy

  • Sclerotherapy is a quick, minimally invasive procedure that can reduce the appearance of varicose veins.
  • The procedure involves receiving an injection of a solution into the affected veins.
  • This injection causes the targeted veins to shrink and fade over time.
  • Many people see results from sclerotherapy after three to six weeks, although several treatments may be required to see comprehensive, lasting results.

About sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is a method used to reduce the appearance of spider veins and varicose veins.

To perform sclerotherapy, a doctor will inject a solution--often a solution of salts--into the veins, which causes the veins to shrink. This shrinkage forces blood to travel through other, healthier veins, while the injected veins fade and become part of the local tissue.

Sclerotherapy is fast, minimally invasive, and poses no major risks.

Candidates for sclerotherapy

You may be a candidate for sclerotherapy if you:

  • Are not pregnant
  • Are free of vascular diseases

Expectations with sclerotherapy

With sclerotherapy you can expect:

  • A one-hour procedure that is done in a doctor’s office
  • No anesthesia
  • Slight discomfort, minor stinging and cramps
  • Noticeable results for smaller veins in 3-6 weeks
  • Noticeable results for larger veins in 3-4 months
  • To need multiple treatments to notice full results or stubborn veins

Benefits of sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is a quick, minimally invasive procedure that can be highly effective in reducing the appearance of prominent veins.

Risks of sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is not known to cause serious complications. However possible risks may include:

  • Temporary inflammation or redness of the skin
  • Bruising
  • Blood clots
  • Air bubbles, which can, in some cases, cause symptoms such as headaches, fainting and nausea
  • Allergic reaction to the injection solution

Recovery from sclerotherapy

When recovering from sclerotherapy:

  • Be sure to stay active by walking and moving your legs around to promote blood circulation and avoid clotting
  • Wear compression stockings to maintain venous return of blood to the heart
  • Avoid heavy exercising
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure on treated areas to avoid dark spots on skin

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