Language and Interpretation Services

Throughout the Bon Secours, patients also have the right to utilize an interpretation service.

For Our Non-English Speaking Patients

Telephonic foreign language interpretation is available for those patients whose first language is not English.  Let any member of your care team know that you’d like access, and we’ll work to initiate a conference call with an interpreter.

For Our Patients with Special Needs

Assistive aids and devices, interpreter and translation services, and other accommodations are available to patients with hearing, vision, or other physical impairments. We will do our very best to accommodate your needs. Please ask any member of your care team for assistance.

Patient Rights and Responsibilities Notice

This notice applies to all entities of Bon Secours.

We’re here to serve you, and we consider you a partner in your care. When you are well-informed, participate in treatment decisions and communicate openly with your doctor and other health professionals, you make your care as effective as possible. This facility encourages respect for the personal preferences and values of each individual.

Unless medically necessary, we believe that Bon Secours and all their associates, physicians and volunteers are committed to: 

  • Respect the patient’s right to be informed of hospital policies and practices that relate to patient care, treatment and responsibilities.
  • Offer access to care that is medically indicated, without regard to race, creed, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability or sources of payment for this care.
  • Give competent, considerate and respectful care which respects the patient’s personal value and belief system and recognizes his/her dignity as a human being in need.
  • Receive clear and easy-to-understand information about diagnoses, treatment plans including their risk and benefits, and alternative treatment options. 
  • Participate in decisions regarding their care, including the right to accept or refuse treatment.
  • Have a family member or representative of your choice and your personal physician promptly notified of your admission to the hospital.  
  • Receive treatment free from restraints or seclusion unless clinically necessary in order to provide acute medical, surgical or behavioral care.
  • Be thoughtfully sensitive to the patient’s family or significant other’s needs as they become apparent.
  • Allow patients the right to express spiritual beliefs and cultural practices that do not harm others or interfere with the planned course of medical therapy, including wearing symbolic items.
  • Promptly and courteously respond to all reasonable requests that do not conflict with physician’s orders, health requirements and/or the obligations of the hospital. Patients shall be notified of any policy, as promptly as possible, that might affect their choice within the institution.
  • Follow the guidelines of the Patient Self- Determination Act and support patients’ rights in accordance with the laws of each state.
  • Protect the patient’s right to personal privacy and informational confidentiality in accordance with the law and professional ethics.
  • Inform the patient of the identity and professional status of individuals providing service including which physician or other practitioner is primarily responsible for the care of the patient.
  • Inform the patient, upon request, of the relationships of this hospital to other health care and educational providers and payers when they pertain to care.
  • Be aware that the patient may have a need for continued care after discharge and, if this is indicated, to discuss it with the patient and attending physician.
  • Refer to the Care Management Department conflicts or problems that arise concerning the care of the patient that cannot be resolved by the patient’s physician or other caregivers.
  • Provide for the patient’s personal safety with respect to the practices and environment of the hospital.
  • Inform each patient (or support person), of the right, subject to his or her consent, to receive the visitors whom he or she designates, including, but not limited to, a spouse, domestic partner (including a same-sex domestic partner, another family member, or a friend), and his or her right to withdraw or deny such consent at any time. 
  • Provide the patient with timely and accurate answers to questions concerning hospital charges including available payment methods regardless of the sources of payment.
  • Be informed about pain and pain relief measures including a concerned staff committed to pain prevention and management.

You have the responsibility to:

  • Be honest about matters that relate to you as a patient.
  • Attempt to understand your medical problems.
  • Attempt to follow the directions and advice offered by the staff and to accept the consequences of not following the same.
  • Know the staff who are caring for you.
  • Report changes in your condition to your caregivers who are responsible for you.
  • Be considerate and respectful of the rights of other patients and staff.
  • Honor the confidentiality and privacy of other patients.
  • Notify the staff if you feel that your rights are being violated.
  • Notify the staff of perceived safety risks.
  • Make sure your financial obligations for your health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible.
  • Follow hospital rules and regulations affecting your care and conduct.
  • Provide a copy of your Advance Directives, DNR/CC or DNR/CC-Arrest paperwork.

How to File a Complaint

For care received in a hospital setting

To file a complaint or grievance for care received in a hospital setting, please contact a Patient Representative:

  • Greenville: 864-255-1054
  • Hampton Roads: 855-489-6440
  • Richmond: 855-458-8799

For care received in a physician office or medical practice setting

To file a complaint or grievance for care received at a physician’s office or medical practice (non-hospital setting), patients are encouraged to address their concerns directly with the Medical Group practice whenever possible; practice physicians, Advanced Practice Clinicians and leadership wish to be informed and address any dissatisfaction with the care delivered. Click here to locate the practice phone number. Please request to speak to the Practice Manager or Administrator to discuss your concern. If concerns still exist after discussing with practice leadership, please contact a Patient Representative by calling one of the numbers above and share that you want to file a complaint for a Medical Group practice.

Privacy Complaints

If you are concerned that your privacy rights may have been violated, or you disagree with a decision made about access to your medical records, you may submit a question or report concerns directly to the Privacy Team by submitting a BSMH Compliance and Privacy Concern Form Online; or by emailing; or call a Patient Representative via the phone numbers listed above. All communication is confidential and may be made anonymously.

Potential Conflicts of Rights

You have the right to use outside resources to file a complaint or to obtain further assistance if you are not satisfied with the resolution that you have received from the hospital. You may contact the following agencies:

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) 
2600 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201

Virginia Department of Health
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 401, Henrico, VA 23233-1485

Joint Commission Office of Quality Monitoring
800-994-6610 |

OUR CORE VALUES: Human Dignity, Integrity, Compassion, Stewardship and Service – are why we honor these basic rights and responsibilities.