Evelyn D. Reinhart Guest House
1100 Libbie Ave
Richmond, Virginia 23226
Get Directions Tel: 804-287-7300

The Evelyn D. Reinhart Guest House is a home away from home for caregivers of patients at St. Mary’s Hospital. It is a place of peace and healing for our patients and their families. With 16 guest rooms, the 14,000-square-foot Guest House is within a safe and easy walking distance of St. Mary’s Hospital. Guests will have the companionship of other families going through similar experiences. Volunteers and community partners will stand by to answer questions, help locate necessary services and goods, and provide a sympathetic ear and a hand to hold. Learn more about the Guest House mission here.

Here are the Top Five Frequently Asked Questions We Get:

Who is eligible to stay at the Reinhart Guest House?

Guests and patient should live at least 30 miles from St. Mary’s Hospital. Guests under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Who can refer a family to the Reinhart Guest House?

Guests must be referred by a provider or health care personnel at St. Mary’s Hospital or affiliate via the online referral form.

What is the fee for staying at the Reinhart Guest House and how long is someone eligible to stay?

Guests are encouraged to make a lodging contribution of $45 per night toward their stay; however, no one is ever turned away due to an inability to contribute. As long as you are a caretaker or making regular visits to your family member or friend at St. Mary’s Hospital, the doors of the Guest House will always be open to you.

Are there limits to how many people from one family we can refer to the Guest House?

Due to the Reinhart Guest House limited occupancy (we only have 16 rooms), we assign one room per family. We are able to accommodate up to five people in one room.

How do I make a donation or support the Reinhart Guest House in a volunteer capacity?

Volunteering and donating opportunities at the Reinhart Guest House are plentiful. Individuals or groups can enjoy fun and rewarding experiences by volunteering their time and talents.

You can learn more about volunteering at the Guest House here.

You can contribute wish items and access our Amazon Smile list here.  If you have questions, please contact the Reinhart Guest House at 804-287-7300 or email reinharthouse@bshsi.org