Unity Park
2 N. Fulton Ave. Baltimore, MD 21223

Unity Park is a community designed splash park built to provide West Baltimore residents with a welcoming place to gather, play, and enjoy the cooling power of water during the hot summer months

Unity Park was developed through a community engagement process alongside local leaders and neighborhood residents that included paid Community Design Ambassador (CDA) hours, one-on-one interviews, and the collection of hundreds of comments and survey.

Kirby Lane Park
1800 – 1828 W. Saratoga St. Baltimore, MD 21223

Once the site of 14 vacant and deteriorating homes and chronic illegal dumping, Kirby Lane Park was created though a robust community engagement process and partnership with Franklin Square neighborhood residents.

The Moon Garden
2123-2147 W. Saratoga Street, Baltimore MD 21223

Within the Housing & Community Development department at Bon Secours Community Works, we prioritize the revitalization of “open spaces”. In line with that priority, The Moon Garden is one of several community park development project being led by Bon Secours Community Works, alongside West Baltimore residents and stakeholders. The Moon Garden builds on the vision and spirit of the late project champion, Ms. Barbara McQueen, who lived on this block of W. Saratoga Street.

The Moon Garden will be a multigenerational and multi-use public park. Development of the Moon Garden will transform a once-blighted space into a welcoming community asset focused on health and wellness. Special design considerations are being included for use by Mary Anne Winterling Elementary School students. The Moon Garden also serves as the north-west anchor of an envisioned “Green Corridor” stretching from Mary Ann Winterling to Fulton Avenue, along W. Saratoga Street.

Most recently, final designs for the Moon Garden have been adopted by key project stakeholders through a community engagement process that included multiple design charrettes and several rounds of voting.

Pacific Park
Inner Block, 1900 W. Saratoga Street, Baltimore, MD 21223

Pacific Park is another component of the Saratoga St. “Green Corridor” Plan, developed by surrounding communities, church partners, and Bon Secours to establish green gateways into the neighborhood and to improve public space along W. Saratoga Street, which is a major transit corridor that includes a MARC train station. A resident of this block of W. Saratoga Street, Remo Burnett, a skilled tradesman and amateur football player, acts as a community project leader. 

Pacific Park’s design will provide park front views for each resident, flower gardens, natural play equipment, picnic areas, benches, a central lawn flanked by trees for free play or leisure, a running path and work out pads that will support the workout culture of neighborhood residents.

Fulton Ave. Park
205-213 N. Fulton Ave., Baltimore, MD 21223

Fulton Ave. Park represents another community-identified vacant lot that BSCW is working to breathe new life into through a partnership with local residents. Driven by the hard work and stewardship of project champion, Ira McRay, and other neighborhood residents, this site (consisting of 5 City-owned lots) is on its way to being a usable space for relaxation and events. 
With support from the Franklin Square Community Association and fundraising leadership from Bon Secours Community Works, over $115k was raised for substantial site improvements, including grading, installation of retention walls, a stage, gravel pathways, storage, fencing, and raised garden planters. Planned landscaping will buffer nearby street noise and added features, including a grill, mounted trash can, signage, picnic and game tables, play equipment, horseshoe pits, and a mounted water tank, will increase the site’s attractiveness and usability. The adjacent Bruce Street stables horse grazing paddock provides a unique backdrop and partnership opportunities for this site.